a christmas worship concert
two concert opportunities
SAT | DEC 14 | 6PM
Doors open at 5PM for complimentary hot cocoa and cookies. Concert begins at 6pm.
SUN | DEC 15 | 10:30aM
Doors open at 9:30AM for complimentary hot cocoa and cookies. Concert begins at 10:30am.
calvary tabernacle
902 Fletcher Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46203
holiday schedule
Communion Service
Sunday, December 1st
9:30am + 11:30am -
Christmas Worship Concert
Saturday, December 14th
5pm - Doors open
6pm - Concert begins -
Christmas Worship Concert
Sunday, December 15th
9:30am - Doors open
10:30am - Concert begins -
Kids Book Reading + Candlelight Service
Sunday, December 22nd
One Service Only - 10:30am -
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 25th
No midweek service -
One Service Only
Sunday, December 29th
10:30am -
New Year's Prayer Service
Wednesday, January 1st
7pm -
One Service Only
Sunday, January 5th