about the course
This is Life is the level two discipleship course for Calvary Tabernacle. This is Life will discuss some fundamental Biblical principles for a successful walk with Jesus Christ. This course is required for involvement in any level two or level three ministry at Calvary Tabernacle and should only be taken after successfully completing the Calvary new member class, This is Home. If you have not yet completed This is Home, please register in Church Center Signups.
Joshua B. Carson
Senior Pastor, Calvary Tabernacle
Joshua B. Carson became the Senior Pastor of Calvary Tabernacle in 2020. In turn, he also serves as the President of Indiana Bible College and Calvary Christian School. Before accepting this role, Pastor Carson served as the International Youth President of the United Pentecostal Church International. While serving as Youth President, he attended Urshan Graduate School of Theology where he earned a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry with an emphasis in Counseling.
Benjamin Favel
Discipleship Director, Calvary Tabernacle
Benjamin Favel serves as the Discipleship Director at Calvary Tabernacle. Bro. Favel was instrumental in developing the This Is Home and This Is Life discipleship curriculum for Calvary Tabernacle. After graduating from Indiana Bible College in 1999, Bro. Favel went on to serve as the Assistant Pastor at Pentecostal Temple in Midland, Michigan. During this time, he authored the book The How to of Home Bible Study. From 2011-2014 Bro. Favel served as the Pastor at C3 Church in Chicago, Illinois before relocating to Indianapolis.
Bobby Killmon
Dean of Biblical Studies, Indiana Bible College
Bobby Killmon currently serves as the Dean of Biblical Studies at Indiana Bible College. He was involved in church work at a very young age and traveled with his family, who ministered as evangelists. After sensing his call to preach, Bro. Killmon attended Indiana Bible College, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Theology. He then went to Christian Theological Seminary where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Master of Divinity Degree.
Lesson 1
what is oneness?
In this first lesson Pastor Carson will discuss the definition of the term “Oneness” and why Oneness is important at Calvary Tabernacle. By the conclusion of this lesson, you should have a better understanding of Oneness and its application at Calvary.
lesson 2
spiritual authority
In this lesson, Benjamin Favel will walk you through the principles of Spiritual Authority within the Bible. You will learn about why Jesus should be in control and how to apply Spiritual Authority in your own life.
Lesson 3
church structure
In this lesson, Benjamin Favel will talk about the Biblical structure of the church. You will learn how each ministry at Calvary fits into the plan God has laid out in His word.
lesson 4
In this lesson, Benjamin Favel will discuss the aspects of true Christian stewardship. You will learn practical ways to be a good steward according to the Bible.
Lesson 5
holiness part 1
In this lesson Bobby Kilmon will teach about the Interconectedness of all Life. You will go on a journey to begin to understand the importance of holiness and sanctification to the Christian’s life.
lesson 6
holiness part 2
In this lesson Bobby Killmon will talk about Commands, Principles, and Convictions. You will learn how each of these terms is defined in the Bible and how to apply them to your own life.
Lesson 7
holiness part 3
In this lesson Bobby Kilmon will bring into focus the true gift of having holiness in the life of a believer. You will understand how holiness is something to be treasured in your walk with God.
lesson 8
holiness part 4
In this lesson Bobby Killmon will discuss Apostolic Holiness and specifically how it differs from other Christian denominations. You will learn the Biblical holiness principles that Calvary Tabernacle is built on and how to apply them to your own life.
Lesson 9
holiness part 5
In this lesson Bobby Killmon will talk about the Biblical definition of modesty. You will learn the basics of modesty and the importance of applying this concept in your day to day living.