Church health/growth standards

Research shows that churches will stop growing when they regularly reach 80% capacity in their facilities. This rule applies not only to seating in the sanctuary but classroom capacity, lobby space, restroom space, and parking lot capacity.

Why? New people will not come back to a church that they do not feel has room for them.

our three dilemmas

Parking capacity

seating capacity

classroom capacity

based on august 23 projected attendance we will be:

Mirrored Service Model

A mirrored service model would mean holding two identical services on Sunday mornings back to back with a short transition period in between them. Members and guests would choose which of the two services to attend.

Timeline for Mirrored Services

  • Continue with Summer Schedule
    10am Teaching Hour + 11am Main Service

  • Begin Mirrored Service Model

question about mirrored services?

view the full slide deck from our mirrored service presentation on wednesday, august 2nd.